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Laura Zucker, MD MPH
Laura Zucker MD MPH is a practicing family physician and an owner of her small independent clinical practice, Family Practice Group, in Arlington MA. She graduated from Cornell University, earned her MPH from University of Michigan and MD degree from the State University of NY Health Science Center in Syracuse in 1995. She completed residency in family medicine at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill in 1998.
In addition to being a practicing primary care physician with clinical interests in wellness, women’s health and complementary medicine, she has worked as a medical director for the Mt. Auburn Cambridge Independent Physician Association and more recently with Highland Health Care Physician Organization. This work focuses on quality improvement and providing cost effective healthcare.
She has been a clinician educator for over 20 years and has a strong commitment to training future physicians serving as a clerkship preceptor for all the Boston area medical schools. In addition, she is proud to be working as a medical student coach for Tufts University School of Medicine.
From 2012-2016 she served as principal investigator for Harvard’s Academic Innovations Collaborative. This research effort focused on innovations in primary care including office efficiency, use of medical scribes and the integration of behavioral health in primary care.
In her spare time she can be found in her garden, on the ice playing hockey, hiking with her dogs or spending time with her husband and two adult sons.
Family Medicine Residency, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998
Doctor of Medicine, State University of NY at Syracuse, 1995
Masters in Public Health, University of Michigan, 1990

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